Friday, June 3, 2016

喝水也有技巧?WHAT? I don,t even know it?



During the summer period,many people will drink water by glups.Water has many benefits to the human,it helps replenish essential moisture,metabolism in the body and easy to defecated also can keep the skin moist.A lot of the females always say that drinking plenty of water can make the skin moist,but it is real?Is drinking plenty of water can make our skin moist?

1.喝水对皮肤有多重要? How important is drinking water for our skin ?

Dermatologists say that if human body is perennial shortage of water for long time,it will make us headache,tired,skin out of watering,winkle gets out,dark circles getting worse and even pimples.When our body is enough water/moist,skin will looks smooth and lustrous automatically and can just put some sunblock before out.

2. 大量喝水真的能给皮肤‘补水’吗? Is drinking water can make our skin moisture?

Our body need to supplement moisture regularly,but do not drink too much water at once,that is no to much effects in our skin.Because after drinking water,water is open to circulating blood and filtration by kidney.If we drink too much water at once,it can not save inside our body and will clear through the urine.

When you feel thirsty or skin is dry,better drink some water to keep them in moist.Remember to drink more water when you are sweating too much.

3.喝水最佳时间表。Schedule of drinking water.








Actually we should not only drinking water when we feel thirsty,cause that is mean our skin has been lack of water.Usually we have to drink water every 1-2 hours and do not drink too much at once.Drink water as regularly can make our body maintain in the moisture status and also keep the skin  flexible.But beyond that,remember to pick up a glass of water to drink by the following time below that is pretty good for your body.

Wake up in the morning
After wake up from the bed,our body will be in the state of physiological water(lack of water).Drink water before eating is the best thing because this can promote the metabolism of cells and also replenish the skin with water make our skin looks more smooth and lustrous.At the same time,it also excrete waste matter from the body and thin our blood too.

Before sleeping
When we are heavy sleepy,water in our body will lose automatically at the same time.Then the water in blood decreases and finally the blood consistency becomes high.Drink some water before sleeping can reduce the risk of cerebral thrombosis.But also don't drink too much otherwise cause you to awake frequently in the night,reduce the  amount of deep sleep you get.

After eating too salty food 
Salty food will make our body lead to the high blood pressure,saliva secretes a quantity to decrease,oral mucosal edema and other issues.Normally if we eat too salty better drink some water or lemonade and try not to drink sugary drinks or yogurt because sugar will increase the sense of thirst.

After half an hour eating meal
Do not drink water immediately after finish your meal because it will affects digestion and absorption of food.We suggest you drink 200 ml of water after half an hour eating meal.

After switched on your air-conditioner half an h

The air in the air-conditioned room is dry and easily to lose water inside the body also makes nasal mucosa become dry or even cause bronchitis.If you stay in the air-conditioned room more than half an hour,remember to drink more water to keep the skin moist.

Feeling of anxiousness 
When someone feels painful or impatient,the epinephrine will increase.As other hazardous substances,it can be excluded out of the body and one way is to drink more water.You also can try a cup of warm water when you feel irritability and drink slowly,your mood might be relax a little bit.

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