Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Six Amazing Anti-aging treats 防止老化的6中小方法

For as long as we can remember, we've heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But not only can it boost your energy and memory levels, it also can impact how long you live.Studies show that by eating certain foods, you can help slow the aging process.Here are just six amazing anti-aging treats you might want to go for first thing in the morning.


1. 蓝莓 Blueberries

Although tiny, blueberries pack a hugeanti-aging health punch. Rich in polyphenols, research suggests that ablueberry-rich diet not only improves your motor skills, but also can helpfight diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Indeed one recent study published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association showed that women who ate the most blueberries -- as well as their super food cousin, strawberries --enjoyed a 32 percent lower heart attack risk than women who only ate these berries once a month (or not at all).
近日发表在美国心脏学会期刊《循环》(Circulation:Journal of the American Heart Association)上的一项研究指出,大量食用蓝莓和草莓的女性,比每月只吃一次或不吃的女性,患心脏病的几率要少32%。

2. 燕麦片 Oatmeal


For years, research has shown a strong correlation between oatmeal and cholesterol reduction. Oatmeal is rich insoluble fiber that gets rid of "bad" cholesterol. Oats also arepacked with the antioxidants that do battle against cell damage. And that canhelp plump skin and reduce wrinkles.


3. 鸡蛋 Eggs           

Eggs usually come under fire because of their high cholesterol content. But studies show that healthy men and women who consume an egg a day actually do not experience negative health repercussions.In addition, eggs contain all the essential B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,B12, choline, biotin, and folic acid. Choline has been shown to protect your memory, while two proteins in eggs -- lutein and zeaxanthin -- protect against vision loss.

鸡蛋通常因高胆固醇含量而遭受批评。但研究表明,身体状况良好的男女每天吃一个鸡蛋,实际上不会对健康产生消极影响。另外,鸡蛋含所有人类需要的维生素B: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12,胆碱,生物素,叶酸。胆碱已被证实能提高记忆力,而鸡蛋里的两种蛋白质——叶黄素和玉米黄质,有助于保护视力。

4. 茶 Tea

                         Image result for tea

Many teas are high in anti-agingantioxidants. But green tea is rich in an antioxidant known as EGCG, which helps fight wrinkles and rejuvenate skin cells. Green tea also may protect against cancer, control blood sugar levels, and help reduce inflammation associated with Crohn's disease and ulcer ative colitis.


5. 石榴汁 Pomegranate Juice


If tea's not your thing, try pomegranate juice instead. Studies show that a glass of pomegranate juice a day could help keep wrinkles at bay. Not only has pomegranate been shown to slowdown the natural oxidation ("wear and tear") of DNA, it also has been linked to the prevention of heart disease and stress relief.


6. 葡萄柚 Grape fruit


In addition to helping you feel full,which in turn may assist with weight loss, grapefruit also can help lower"bad" cholesterol and triglyceride levels while also boosting “good”HDL cholesterol. Deep red varieties are best as studies show they can also help keep heart disease at bay.

One caveat: Grapefruit can prove hazardous when combined with certain prescription medicines.

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