Monday, May 30, 2016

Are you drinking a right way?


                Do really know about Alkaline Water ? 


Science Behind The Health Benefits Of Alkaline Water

Because alkaline ionized water contains so many active hydrogen molecules,it is able to act as a powerful antioxidant that searches out and destroys free radicals,called reactive oxygen species (ROS).These ROS are created by many of the metabolic and digestive processes in our bodies.As they travel throughout the body,they can damage cells and DNA,leading to many diseases and cancers.The formation rate of diseases such as ulcers,cancers,and diabetes are encouraged or increased by this damage.When the hydrogen molecules of alkaline ionized water search out and neutralize these harmful free radicals,they help to prevent and lower the risk level of developing many of these diseases. 

Alkaline Water Benefits For People Living With Cancer 

One of the major health benefits of alkaline ionized water is its ability to destroy and/or inhibit the growth of cancers in the body.This ability has been demonstrated in a number of studies,not all them listed here.For instance,one medical study revealed that alkaline ionized water or reduced water,contributed toward the death of leukemia cells.There is also evidence that alkaline ionized water can slow the growth of tumors by preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumors.Another research study discovered that alkaline water can help to prevent the multiplication of cancer cells.

Anti-Diabetic Benefits Of Alkaline Ionized Water

There have also been a number of scientific studies that indicate that alkaline ionized water may be effective in preventing and reversing diabetes.For instance,one medical study found that alkaline ionized water helped to improve glucose levels and glucose tolerance in both.Type 1 diabetic and Type 2 mice.Another research study credited alkaline ionized water's ability to destroy ROS with helping to prevent the type of cell damage in the pancreas that can lead to diabetes.A third study came to similar conclusion.Alkaline ionized water protects the cells in the pancreas from ROS damage that can lead to diabetes.A fourth scientific study has found that adding alkaline ionized water to one 's regular diet can lower not only glucose levels,but also other important indicators of health,such as triglyceride and total cholesterol levels.


Prevention Of Other Diseases 

Because alkaline ionized water acts as an antioxidant and removes ROS from the body.It can also play a role in the prevention of aging.It does so by preventing the cell damage that leads to the physiology of aging.There is also evidence that alkaline water can play a role in the prevention of other diseases and problems caused by free radicals,such as Parkinson''s disease,ulcers,arteriosclerosis and certain degenerative problems affecting the retina of the eye. 


Improved Hydration Due To Smaller Water Clusters 

Finally ,electolyzed reduced drinking water provides improved hydration for those who drink it.As mentioned earlier,alkaline ionized water consists of smaller groups of molecules than does regular tap water.As a result.these smaller groups of molecules are more quickly and easily absorbed onto cells of the body.This water which is ionized and which also contains ionized minerals like calcium and magnesium provides faster and more efficient hydration & nutrient absorption than does regular un-ionized water sources.


This is more than just a better-tasting drinking water.It also provides health benefits and disease-fighting capabilities that you cannot find in ordinary un-ionized types of water.Adding these alkaline ionized water benefits to your diet.will help to keep you as healthy and disease-free as possible.By being better hydrated you will sleep more restfully and  your body will function more efficiently.The human body is approximately 70% water by weight.Improving this single most important nutrient benefits every single cell within the human body.

Any questions please kindly contact us or visit our shop.

Contact Number : +6016-3530 999

Address : 49,Jalan Sulam,Taman Sentosa 80150 Johor Bahru,Malaysia.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Are You Having Top 6 Alkaline Food Everyday To Keep Your Body Healthy

Top 6 of Alkaline Food We Can Eat Everyday For 

Vibrant Health


1. Root vegetables  根菜类


Due to the healing "yang" nature of these foods in traditional Chinese medicine, and their tendency to be more rich in minerals than many other vegetables, it may be safe to say that you can't get enough of them. Look for radishes especially (black, red or white), as well as beets, carrots, turnips, horseradish and rutabaga. Ready to eat after steaming for just 15-20 minutes, root vegetables will help you feel both satiated and better grounded.


2. Cruciferous vegetables  花菜类


These are the veggies we all know and love, made even more delicious with just a small amount of healthy, homemade sauce like pesto. Choose from broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and the like.


3. Leafy greens  绿叶蔬菜


These include kale, Swiss chard, turnip greens and spinach - of which spinach may in fact be the best pick. Known especially for its rich vitamin K and folate content, spinach is also packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber, helping to improve digestion and even vision.


4. Garlic  大蒜


A true miracle food, garlic appears at the top of innumerable lists of foods that encourage overall health, and alkaline-forming food is no exception. Among its other benefits are its ability to promote cardiovascular and immune health by lowering blood pressure, cleansing the liver and fighting off disease.


5. Cayenne peppers (capsicum)  红辣椒


As part of a family of potent, tropical peppers which contain enzymes essential to endocrine function, cayenne is among the most alkalizing foods. It is known for its antibacterial properties and is a rich supply of vitamin A, making it a helpful agent in fighting off the harmful free radicals that lead to stress and illness. 


6. Lemons  柠檬


Lemons may be the most alkalizing food of all. As a natural disinfectant, it can heal wounds while also providing potent and immediate relief for hyperacidity and virus-related conditions, as well as coughs, colds, flu and heartburn. Lemon also works to energize the liver and promote detoxification.

So it can't hurt to think twice about what's on your plate at your next meal, but not doing so might. Just applying that age-old motherly advice to "eat your vegetables" can be a solid first step in achieving better health. 
